JOB SEARCH IN 2023 It changed a lot between 20 and 30 years ago

Job search

Have you been in a job for a while, and you see some appealing posts where you would like to apply? Or have you found your job through your network, and now after a successful career, you find yourself wanting to job search in a different field?

I remember looking through the want ads in the newspaper for my next job. Since then, things have changed so much. The process is quite different from what it used to be. Online listings replaced newspaper ads for openings, and a computer is more likely to conduct the initial scan of your resumé than a human being.

Let’s take a quick peek at how the job search has changed over the last two to three decades

·  Job posting ads were in newspapers

·  Resumés were on paper and were either mailed or delivered in person

·  A human read your resumé

·  You received a response to all the jobs you applied to

·  You only needed ONE resume that listed all your past jobs

·  The interview process was simpler and more predictable

Now let’s take a look at 2023

·  Every day, new job postings show up online

·  Most companies use ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems), and they are getting more sophisticated

·  Your resume is scanned electronically or by a person for keywords

·  Many employers will not acknowledge receiving your resume due to the large volume of applicants

·  You need multiple resumes based on the different positions you’re applying for and showcase only 10 to 15 years of key skills and achievement

·  Be prepared to give specific examples (proof) that demonstrate your ability to do the job


I know, overwhelming, and it may seem like an unattainable goal. After all, the average job search takes three months, but with the right approach, you can find your next job before you know it. Here are the best strategies to find a job in 2023 within three months:

1. Take Stock of Your Skills

Before you begin your job search in earnest, evaluate your skills, qualifications, and experience. Listing them as hard and soft skills with any education or previous job experience is a great idea. You can use this list when filling out applications and cover letters to showcase your most valuable qualities. See my posts on identifying your transferable skills and how to write your accomplishments.

2. Check Out Job Boards

Job boards are a great way to find jobs in your field quickly. While you can use more general job-hunting sites, like Indeed, many dedicated job boards are industry-specific. In addition, these career sites will often filter through all the listings to help you focus on the ones that match your qualifications, including this popular one that promotes remote and hybrid work called Flexjobs.

3. Take Advantage of Networking 

Networking is one of the most efficient job-hunting strategies. It’s a great way to make connections in the job market and get tips on pursuing your dream job. You can attend job fairs, join professional associations, join relevant professional and social media groups, and contact those who may know about open positions. I will write more about these specific contacts in a future post.

4. Use Professional Services 

Professional executive recruiters and staffing agencies can be invaluable assets when looking for a job. You can provide them with a copy of your resume and let them know your ideal job. They have extensive networks and may be aware of positions employers have yet to advertise. They are also up-to-date on the labour market.

5. Utilize Your Social Media

Social media is an essential tool for finding a job in a short amount of time. In addition to connecting with potential employers and recruiters, you can also “like” pages to get job forecasts, hiring announcements, and industry news. Use the power of these platforms to show the world the skills and professional experience you offer and demonstrate your commitment to the applied-for position.

weekly planner

6. Set Goals and Timelines 

Set goals and deadlines for your job hunt to ensure you stay organized. For example, you could include a timeline outlining when you’ll complete tasks, such as researching companies, crafting your resume, and applying for a set number of jobs each week. By setting clear goals, you’ll have a better chance of staying motivated and will more likely see results within three months. I will go into more detail in future posts.

You can find a great job quickly by taking strategic steps and utilizing the right resources. So, start your job hunt today and remember to take stock of your skills, check out job boards, network, employ professional services, use social media, and set goals with timelines. Then, you’ll be sure to find the perfect job very soon!

I would love to hear from you.

How are you finding the job search process these days? Comment below on your experience.

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Until next week,

I remain your sounding board.

Joanne Savoie-Malone


4 Replies to “JOB SEARCH IN 2023 It changed a lot between 20 and 30 years ago”

  1. For someone who worked for the same company for 36 years, and who didn’t often look for other options, the recruiting process has certainly changed a lot. I found your article very interesting and the recommendations are very valuable. For someone who is not actively looking for a new job but wants to keep an eye out for options, is social media the best strategy?

    1. Hello Pablo,

       Thanks for your reply. Wow, 36 years! Congrats! Keeping an eye on your options is always a good idea, as is keeping an inventory of your skills and accomplishments. After a while, you forget you do what you do because it’s your job. Remembering and writing down the amazing things you did is an excellent exercise for a confidence booster and allows you to look at other opportunities with clarity. LinkedIn is the best for networking with professionals, keeping an eye out for options and following companies that interest you and seeing their posts in your newsfeed. See my posts on identifying your transferable skills and how to write your accomplishments. Even if you are not looking for a job. Wishing you all the best!

  2. Oh my gosh, I am 51 now and I still remember those days where you had to type out the CV, if your were lucky to have a typewriter, put it in an envelope, and pay for postage. And that didn’t always mean that you would get a response in my case either. These days it is so much easier to do on the one hand, but on the other hand it gets overwhelming as well. Do you keep a list of sources where you could find a job? Thanks!

    1. Hello Lizzy,

      Here’s a couple.

      First, Google:  In the search, you need 3 components:  1. The job title or skill, 2. The word “job” and the location and hit ENTER. The paid ads will show up first, but then you will see a light blue banner with a list of job postings pulled from different job boards. Click on the banner, and you can look at the list, save job postings and create notification. So instead of looking at multiple job boards, Google has brought it all together.

      Second is which is a reputable job board for mostly remote and hybrid type of jobs. They vet every employer that want to advertise their jobs on the platform. There is a fee of about $50 US a year, however, it is worth it if you’re looking for remote work. They also have a great blog and training for people looking for work.

      I hope that was helpful! Best of luck!

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