Cultivating a Healthy Mind in these times

Have you noticed how unpredictable things are? Are you living day by day, not knowing what exactly what tomorrow will bring? For some people, that will create stress and anxiety. Mental Health is coming up as issues as restrictions and lockdown are happening all over the world. Crisis lines are inundated and overwhelmed. According to information compiled by Crisis Services Canada, about 26 percent of calls and text messages were related to COVID-19 since March 26. Most of us have not been taught how to manage our emotional response to challenging times. Most people carry an underlying level of stress and anxiety even in the best of time. Modern life for some of us is hard! This is WHY I do what I do, I help people navigate through these unprecedented times. What if you could make your life a little bit more predictable? The best way is to look inward and ask yourself self-reflective questions like:


WHAT DO I LOVE TO DO? – What makes my heart sing? – What thing or things when I’m doing it, I forget about time? – What things/people/activities fill me with energy? – When I feel most alive, what am I doing?

WHAT AM I GOOD AT? – What comes to me naturally? – What skills do I have? – What are my unique gifts or superpowers? – When people ask for my help, what is it?

These are some of the questions, and I have many more that will make you look internally and define your internal purpose and natural talents. Once you have created that thought or vision, you now need to bring it out to the world. To keep it inside, it is only a dream. How can you bring these thoughts into the world? How can you make it happen? The best way is to write it down. Yes, it’s that simple. Write it down and start planning, what would be the steps you would need to do today to reach that vision or goal? What action will you take today, tomorrow and next week? This self-awareness will make you conscious, which in turn will tap into your subconscious to make your dreams real. The daily habit of reviewing your plan, steps or action will have you so focussed on the things you need to do to get things done that depression and anxiety will vanish and give you hope for the future. Again, this seems simple; however, you will need to discipline yourself, which might be the hard part to do this every day. I love this quote from Gandhi: “The future depends on what you do today.”


The help of a coach or mentor can help you to be accountable and assist you in your journey towards your ideal life. I have a 13-week program to help you with that starting mid-September. The program is called: Mens Sana, which is the Latin term for Healthy Mind. The substance of the Mens Sana program took six years to develop and write. Mens Sana will not just help you through this pandemic; it will also provide you with the tools to emerge empowered, stronger and more resilient than ever. This course will help you to discover your real purpose, set a plan to achieve that and empower you to negotiate whatever life throws at you. We start with goal setting, which will then be the foundation of your journey and with each module, you will learn how to stick to your plan and or make the adjustment required. I will teach you how to beat procrastination, accepting your reality, managing your emotions, managing your mind, among other life skills.


I’m inviting you to a free 20-min ZOOM presentation every Wednesday at 1 pm Eastern and at 8 pm Eastern. This is a presentation on why we procrastinate and strategies to beat it.

Right now, we all need a healthy mind. If you would like to know more, send me an email at or register for the free ZOOM presentation by sending me an email at the email above. You can also schedule a 20-minute chat to see if this is right for you or you would like more information.

I look forward to seeing you!

Wishing you a great weekend!