AI Career Change: How to Thrive in an Ever-Evolving Job Market During Midlife

robot playing pianoArtificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the job market and disrupting industries. Yet, I’m hearing from baby boomers to Gen Z that they believe that AI will eliminate jobs. So, is it a reality or a myth?

A conversation at the dinner table last week with my husband and daughter inspired me to write about how AI will create jobs and careers and eliminate others. Even though they were convinced that many jobs would be eliminated and many people would be out of work, I assured them that AI would create more jobs and new careers.

It made me think about individuals in midlife looking for a career change, which can be exciting and intimidating with fear of the unknown. While some may feel overwhelmed by the rapid pace of change, others see it as an opportunity to pivot in their career and embrace new challenges. In this blog post, we will discuss jobs AI is already creating and tips for people in midlife looking for a career change in the AI world.

With the rise of AI, automation is replacing many jobs, which does not necessarily mean a loss of employment opportunities because we expect AI to create many new jobs in various fields. Here are twelve examples:

1. AI Data Analysts

Data analysis is one of the most significant areas for AI to create jobs. AI can process vast amounts of data much faster than humans, which can help companies make more informed decisions. However, the role of the AI data analyst is not to replace human data analysts but rather to assist them. AI can help with tasks such as data cleansing, data visualization, and pattern recognition, which can save time and increase the accuracy of data analysis.

2. AI Trainers

As AI becomes more advanced, it will require more advanced training. AI trainers will develop and train AI systems to perform specific tasks. They will work with AI developers to identify the system’s goals, develop training programs, and monitor the performance of the AI system. AI trainers will also ensure the AI system is ethical and transparent in its decision-making processes.

3. AI Ethicists

The need for AI ethicists will increase as AI systems become more integrated into society. AI ethicists will ensure that AI systems are developed and used responsibly and ethically. They will work with AI developers to identify potential ethical issues and develop guidelines for using AI systems. AI ethicists will also be responsible for educating the public about the ethical implications of AI.

4. AI Engineers and Developers

One of the most obvious types of jobs that AI will create is for engineers and developers who specialize in AI. These professionals will design, build, and maintain AI systems. Therefore, they must deeply understand machine learning algorithms, data analytics, and programming languages like Python and R.

5. AI User Experience (UX) Designers

The user experience will become increasingly important as AI systems become more prevalent. AI UX designers will be responsible for designing interfaces that are intuitive and easy to use. They will work with AI developers to identify user needs and develop interfaces that meet them. AI UX designers will also be responsible for testing and optimizing interfaces to ensure they are practical and efficient.

6. AI Robot Technicians

The demand for robot technicians will increase. Robot technicians will be responsible for installing, maintaining, and repairing robots. In addition, they will work with robot developers to identify potential issues and develop solutions. Robot technicians will also ensure that robots are safe and comply with regulations.

7. AI Customer Service Representatives

The demand for AI service representatives will increase as AI becomes more integrated into customer service. AI customer service representatives will assist customers with their inquiries using AI-powered chatbots. In addition, they will work with AI developers to develop chatbots that effectively communicate with customers and provide accurate information.

8. Autonomous Vehicle Technicians

As self-driving cars become more prevalent, there will be a growing demand for technicians who can maintain and repair autonomous vehicle systems. These professionals must be knowledgeable in computer systems, software, and mechanical engineering.

9. Cybersecurity Experts

As the use of AI becomes more widespread, cybersecurity threats are becoming more sophisticated. Cybersecurity experts specializing in AI will identify and address these threats, ensuring that AI systems are secure and protected from cyber-attacks.

10. AI Teachers

With the advancement of AI, the demand for AI teachers will increase. AI teachers will develop and deliver AI-based educational content. They will work with AI developers to build educational programs that are effective and engaging. AI teachers will also ensure that students understand the scope of the material and how to apply the content in real-world situations.

11. Content Creators

As AI systems become more advanced, humans use them to generate content such as news articles and social media posts. As a result, professionals specializing in creating and managing AI-generated content will be in high demand.

12. Sales and Marketing Specialists

AI systems analyze consumer behaviour and personalize marketing messages, creating new opportunities for sales and marketing specialists specializing in AI. The training of these professionals enables them to track AI algorithms and data analytics and develop solid communication and marketing skills.

This list is by no means complete; there are many other new careers in new fields surging. The rise of AI is creating a wealth of new career opportunities across various industries. The demand for AI professionals is increasing quickly, from engineers and data analysts to healthcare technologists and content creators. As AI becomes more advanced and prevalent daily, it will continue to create exciting new career opportunities for years.

If you are looking for a career change in AI, here’s how to get started, and if you need help identifying your values, transferable skills and accomplishments, book a call with me to see how I can help you:

1. Assess your skills and interests

Before starting a career change, remember that AI is a broad field encompassing many areas, including data science, machine learning, natural language processing, and robotics. Therefore, research the various subfields of AI and identify the ones that align with your skills and interests to help you identify the roles that may suit you well.

2. Consider your transferable skills

Even if you don’t have direct experience in AI, you may have transferable skills you can apply to the field. For example, if you have a background in data analysis, you can transition to a role in data science. Similarly, if you have experience in project management, you can oversee the development of AI systems. So take stock of your transferable skills and consider how you can apply them to AI.

3. Stay up-to-date with the latest developments

The field of AI is constantly evolving, and it’s crucial to stay up-to-date with the latest developments. To help you stay informed, subscribe to industry publications, attend conferences and events, and participate in online forums and communities. Knowing the latest trends and developments will help you identify new career opportunities.

4. Take courses and earn certifications

If you want to make a career change in AI, you may need to acquire new skills and knowledge. There are many online courses and certifications available that can help you develop the skills you need to succeed in the field of AI. Popular education includes machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing. In addition, earning certifications demonstrates your commitment to the specialization and helps you stand out to potential employers.

5. Build a network

Building a professional network is essential in any field, particularly AI. Attend industry events, join professional organizations, and connect with others through LinkedIn and other social media platforms.

By developing relationships, you stay informed about industry developments and will be top of mind for job opportunities through these valuable referrals.

6. Consider freelancing or consulting

If you want to make a career change in AI, freelancing or consulting can be an excellent way to gain experience and build your portfolio, since many companies are looking for AI experts on a project basis. You can work on various projects and gain valuable experience in the field.

Making a career change in an AI world can be exciting and challenging. By assessing your values, skills and interests, staying up-to-date with the latest developments, and building your professional network, you can position yourself for success in AI. With the right mindset and a commitment to lifelong learning, you can thrive in an ever-evolving job market, even in midlife.

Let me know

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Until next week,

I remain your sounding board.


Joanne Savoie-Malone